How does chewing slowly affect digestion and weight?

This article explores the impact of slow chewing on digestion and weight. This article will examine the research and statistics that support this phenomena. Learn why slow chewing is important and how you can get started. You will also learn practical tips to incorporate it into your everyday routine.

It is important to chew food slowly

The speed at which you eat can have a significant impact on your digestion and weight. Slowly chewing food is not only a mindfulness practice but also scientifically proven to improve digestion and help with weight loss. In a study published by the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, individuals who chewed food slowly experienced less hunger and more satiety in between meals than those who ate rapidly.

Our bodies can trigger digestion more quickly when we chew slower. The release of enzymes helps break down the food for better absorption. It is also possible to improve hydration by chewing slowly. This encourages more fluid consumption during meals.

Slow chewing: How to Start

It can take time to transition from fast eating to a slower pace. Begin by taking small bites, and then chew them well before swallowing. American Dietetic Association suggests chewing food 5-10 times and dense foods like meats and veggies up to 30 before swallowing.

Put your spoon down in between each bite. It encourages you to take your time and enjoy each bite. Mindful eating can be promoted by eating in a relaxed atmosphere and not being distracted by TVs or phones.

The Benefits of Slow-Chewing

Other Tips to Slowly Chew

You can ensure that you eat slower by timing your meals. You should aim to keep your meals at least 20 mins long, since it is about the time that your brain receives the message to tell you when you are full. Pay attention to your eating habits and the texture, taste, and scent of food. Consider meditating or practicing mindfulness exercises to enhance your awareness.


In summary, eating slowly and chewing it well can be beneficial for digestion. It also helps with weight loss. This helps to improve nutrient intake, boost feelings of satisfaction, and manage weight. Be patient as you develop these new eating behaviors. Enjoy mindful eating.
