The Elderly: Dietary considerations to address the increased risk of infection

We invite you to join us for a comprehensive discussion of nutritional strategies which could reduce the risks of infection such as urinary tract and pneumonia amongst the elderly. In this session, we will discuss dietary strategies that are backed up by research to support the immune systems of seniors.

What Dietary Options Are Important for Infection Prevention?

A weakened immune system makes infections, such as respiratory or urinary tract infection, a major health issue for seniors. Nutrition-rich foods can help boost the immune system and reduce the incidence of infections. Certain nutrients, such as zinc, vitamin C, E and B6, folic, and protein are essential for a healthy immune system.

Important Things to Consider Before Beginning a Diet Plan

It's important to speak to a health professional or nutritionist before making significant changes in an older person's eating habits. The nutritionist or healthcare professional can give personalized advice, based on an individual's health, nutritional requirements, and any food intolerances or allergies. In addition to a good diet, it is important to keep in mind that regular exercise and proper hygiene are also essential for infection prevention.

Immune Support Dietary Guidelines

Other Tips

It is important that the elderly maintain a healthy diet and are as physically active as they can. Exercise can improve your health and boost your immune system. A good night's sleep is also essential for immunity. A good night’s sleep is therefore an important part of any approach that aims to prevent infection. Moderation is the key to good nutrition. It is just as dangerous to eat too much or consume too many of a certain type of food as it is not enough.


In conclusion, it is true that dietary factors can play an important role in decreasing the risks of infection amongst the elderly. Incorporating food rich in antioxidants, vitamins and protein into the elderly's daily diet can support their immunity. For optimal results, these diet strategies must be combined with regular exercise, good hygiene, and enough rest. Consult a health professional before you make any significant changes to your diet.
