What can be done to ensure that the elderly who have sensory loss still enjoy and benefit from their food?

The purpose of this article is to give you some useful information about how seniors who experience a decrease in their sensory perception, can still enjoy and benefit from eating. It's normal for us to lose our senses as we get older, and this includes taste and smell. It can affect the way we enjoy food, and lead to other health issues or malnutrition. We will discuss why sensory loss is a serious issue and how to deal with it. Examples of healthy foods are also discussed, as well as tips on maintaining a balanced diet.

Seniors need to eat nutritious and tasty meals.

It is important for many reasons to ensure that older people continue to benefit and enjoy their food despite a sensory decline. Food isn't just for sustenance, it can also be a source of pleasure. Inability to enjoy your food can cause depression, reduced appetite and undernutrition. According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, sensory impairments can lead to a decrease in food consumption and poor dietary intake in older adults. This leads weight loss and nutritional deficiencies.

Starting Out: Important Points to Remember

This issue calls for a multifaceted approach. Consult with nutritionists and healthcare professionals who are able to provide individual advice depending on an individual's current health. The Journal of Gerontology published a study that suggests adding more visually and aromatically appealing foods to the diet. These factors stimulate appetite, even when the taste or smell is diminished.

Foods that are Beneficial for Seniors With Sensory Decline

Other Tips

By experimenting with food textures, seniors who suffer from sensory loss can enjoy a more enjoyable eating experience. By alternating soft and crunchy food, meals can be made more exciting. Maintaining a social element during meals can also improve the enjoyment of eating and promote better eating habits. According to research from Oxford University, people tend to eat more with other people when they are dining together. This could prove beneficial for senior citizens who have a reduced appetite because of sensory loss.


Numerous strategies are available to help seniors enjoy and get the most out of their meals. Seniors can enjoy their meals while still meeting their nutritional requirements by incorporating visually and flavorfully appealing food, experimenting textures and keeping a social element during the meal.
