How can you build a tolerance to probiotics?

This article will answer the question, "Can you develop a tolerance for probiotics?" In my role as a nutritionist and dietician, I am often asked what the importance of probiotics is in maintaining gut and general wellness. It is important to understand how these bacteria interact with our bodies over time. This article will explore the significance of the question, give examples and provide additional information on the topic.

Understanding probiotic tolerance is important

Can you develop a tolerance for probiotics'? It is important because it impacts how we view long-term gut wellness. The ability of probiotics to promote a healthy microbiome in the gut is well-known. This plays an important role in digestion, immunity and mental health. If our bodies develop a tolerance, this could decrease probiotics' effectiveness over time.

Research has shown that our bodies cannot build tolerance towards probiotics. A 2018 study, published in Frontiers in Microbiology journal, found that prolonged intake of probiotics can even increase their effectiveness. It is important to note that more research will be needed in order to understand the effects of probiotics over time.

What to consider

It's important to remember certain things when you start your probiotic journey or consider their long-term usage. Consult a health professional first before beginning any supplement program, including one that includes probiotics. You can get advice based on the unique needs of your health.

Second, all probiotics do not work the same. It's important to select the strain that best suits your needs. Remember that probiotics are only one part of a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Example of probiotics use

Other Tips

Probiotics are beneficial for your health, but they should not replace regular exercise and a healthy diet. If you have a weak immune system, or a severe illness, then it is best to speak with your healthcare provider prior to taking probiotics. Remember that probiotics, which are supplements and not drugs, are not regulated under the Food and Drug Administration.


While more research will be needed to understand whether probiotic tolerance is possible, the current data suggests that a continuous intake of some probiotics can even increase their benefits. Each individual can have a different response to probiotics, so it is important to speak with your healthcare provider prior to starting any regimen. A healthy gut can be supported best by regular exercise and healthy eating habits.
