��ࡱ�>�� FV����E�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������m�(���� ��/� 0����DComic Sans MS0�T�T��-�ܖ� 0ܖ�B�DArialSans MS0�T�T��-�ܖ� 0ܖ� �DBook Antiqua0�T�T��-�ܖ� 0ܖ�� �A���.�  @�n��?" d�d@���������  @@``�� T�L��l/      ����� �0���A���A��3�@�3���� ����oPʚ;6_v8ʚ;�g��4KdKd�:��� 0\�������p�pp�@ <�4dddd ��w 0T��-�<�4!d!d ��w 0T��-�� �g��4;d;dPH��� 04�������p�@ p�p�8�0�___PPT10� ��?� � %O� � =�g���Ditching Dieting���(Reba Sloan, MPH, LRD Nutrition Therapist�))���Why Do People Diet?�3����To chase an artificial standard Because everyone else is dieting False promises are tempting They believe weight loss is a cure for poor self/body esteem In pursuit of the  perfect diet To distract themselves from other issues It is an effort to improve themselves� Z � ��*Why don t diets work?�3����$The body compensates for dietary restriction Restriction of certain foods can promote an obsession with eating those foods The mind perceives caloric restriction as a famine Each body has a weight or size that it fights to maintain & the set point theory of weight management�Z���*Why don t diets work?����Diets are finish line driven They set up people with the  guilt response Diets are not real life Our relationship with food is complicated We have taste buds! They are based on faulty logic and science Diets can be dangerous ��Z����2If not diets & then what?���Learn about your own relationship to food Work on connecting with your hunger/satisfied signals Go for balance, moderation and variety Get moving Don t use the bull dozer approach & try the hammer and chisel! NO GUILT & eating is not a moral or legal issue! �$ZZ� ��2If not diets & then what?���Be reasonable with your goals Accept weight/size standards that are appropriate, reasonable and real for YOU Focus on health and fitness & not thinness Confront the issues that may be increasing your desire to diet and weight obsess Know nutrition truth from fiction �@ j����Where Do I Go From Here?�3����pTake an inventory of thought distortions that might be barriers to non-diet approach Love and appreciate the body you have Determine your nutritional strengths and weaknesses Find an activity that you can commit to on a nearly daily basis Establish 2 or 3 challenging & yet achievable goals (not weight related!)�9Z9/�p�� � �����  0`� ���������33�����`� ��������S��f�3�f`� ������������33��g�`� ������������f��`� ���www���3���PP��`� �����ZX���dbmo����`� ����\�ғ�3�y`���Ӣ`� ����3f���3f��f����`� ���3f����3�F�Kf����`� hk]���www�����������f�ܹ`� ff����>>\���`Y{ff�������`� R>&���- ����{p�_/̴����>��?" d�d@���������,�|��?" d�d�@��������� � � �" �@� �`��� �n��?" d�d@���������   @@``��P�R    @ ` �`� p�>��> ����@�^�( � �@�  �@ � �6�l�������� "���� `}�<$� 0� � �T�� Click to edit Master title style�!� !�P �@ � �0� ������� "���� `�<$� 0� � ���RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level�!    � S�� �@ � �0�������� "���^ `��� � �\��*����� �@ � �0� ������� "���^�����  � �^��*����� �@ � �0�������� "���^ `��� � �^��*����H �@ � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33������2�*�___PPT10� �.�W�`ZI+�&B@D�n'� �����=� @B� D�)'� �����=� @B�A�?%�,(� <� +O%�,(� <� +D�D'� =�%�(�����%�(�D��'� =�%�(�D�t'� =�A@B��B� �B��B�0B�@� A%�(�D��'� =�1�:�B�visible*�o3�>�+B�#style.visibility<��*@��������%�(�D�'� �=�-�g6�B� fade*�<3�<��*@��������%�(�D� '� =�%�(�����D� '� =�%�(�D�t'� =�A@B��B� �B��B�0B�@� A%�(�D��'� =�1�:�B�visible*�o3�>�+B�#style.visibility<��*@!%�(�D�'� �=�-�g6�B� fade*�<3�<��*@!%�(�D�t'� =�A@B��B� �B��B�0B�@� A%�(�D��'� =�1�:�B�visible*�o3�>�+B�#style.visibility<��*@!.%�(�D�'� �=�-�g6�B� fade*�<3�<��*@!.%�(�D�t'� =�A@B��B� �B��B�0B�@� A%�(�D��'� =�1�:�B�visible*�o3�>�+B�#style.visibility<��*@.:%�(�D�'� �=�-�g6�B� fade*�<3�<��*@.:%�(�D�t'� =�A@B��B� �B��B�0B�@� A%�(�D��'� =�1�:�B�visible*�o3�>�+B�#style.visibility<��*@:G%�(�D�'� �=�-�g6�B� fade*�<3�<��*@:G%�(�D�t'� =�A@B��B� �B��B�0B�@� A%�(�D��'� =�1�:�B�visible*�o3�>�+B�#style.visibility<��*@GS%�(�D�'� �=�-�g6�B� fade*�<3�<��*@GS%�(�+p+0+@0 ++0+@0 + � 1_Default Design��� 0 ���� �*�( � � �� � � �0�D�Z����� �P ��  Z �X��*� ���� � � �0�\������ �� � �� Z �Z��*� ���d � c �$��� ?��� �� �� � � �0������� �� �0��� � ���RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level�!    � S�� � � �6�� ������� �_P��  � �X��*� ���� � � �6�< ������� �_� ��� � �Z��*� ���H � � �0���޽h������ ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.W�r���E�� 0��L0 D�< ����( � �� � � �0�x Z���� @S"������������ ��������>����� Z � ��x � c �$�P!Z��@�� ` � �� Z � ��j� � � �<��"Z���������"��`�7 V� ����� Dieting that causes excessive loss of weight is beset with difficulties Hippocrates 400 B.C.�__�H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.W��z� +D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0��L0 ��`��$�( � ��r � S ���zZ��@�� `}��  Z � ��r � S ��X{Z��@�� `�� Z � ��H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.W�`R�~+D�='� �����=� @B� +�}� � 0 ����0�$�( � �0�r �0 S ���gZ��@�� `}��  Z � ��r �0 S ���bZ��@�� `�� Z � ��H �0 � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�W���fw+D�='� �����=� @B� +�}� � 0 ��p��$�( � ��r � S ����Z��@�� `}��  Z � ��r � S ��x�Z��@�� `�� Z � ��H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.W����;+D�='� �����=� @B� +�}� � 0 �����$�( � ��r � S ���Z��@�� `}��  Z � ��r � S ����Z��@�� `�� Z � ��H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.W��[+D�='� �����=� @B� +��� � 0 ����(�0�( � �(�x �( c �$���Z��@��� `}��  Z � ��x �( c �$��Z��@��� `�� Z � ��H �( � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.W��[+D�='� �����=� @B� +�}� � 0 ��@�h�$�( � �h�r �h S ��@ Z��@�� `}��  Z � ��r �h S �� Z��@�� `�� Z � ��H �h � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.�\� ���+D�='� �����=� @B� +�=� 0 ����$�M�( � �$�X �$ C ��� ��� ��  �� �$ S ���!��� �� �0���  � �O��;Discuss non-hunger eating, hunger scales, nutrition scoring�H �$ � �0���޽h������ ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.W������I� 0 �����,�Y�( � �,�^ �, S ��� ���� ��  �� �, c �$�t'��� ��� �0���  � �O��;Discuss non-hunger eating, hunger scales, nutrition scoring�H �, � �0���޽h������ ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.W������L� 0 ��� �`�\�( � �`�X �` C ��� ��� ��  ��� �` S ���-��� �� �0���  � �^��J60% of all models and actresses have eating disorders or practice disordered eating. Average female is 5 4 and 142 lbs. and the average model is 5 9  and 110 lbs.�H �` � �0���޽h������ ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.\\��}G��:� 0 ��P�l�J�( � �l�X �l C ��� ��� ��  �� �l S ��TQ��� �� �0���  � �L��Discuss the diet-ED connection� �H �l � �0���޽h������ ?� ���������33������8�0�___PPT10��.����&T�r@�9:�>�C4-F�M�H P#Au^RCK�U���W�w�r�(���� ��/� 0����DComic Sans MS0�T�T��-�ܖ� 0ܖ�B�DArialSans MS0�T�T��-�ܖ� 0ܖ� �DBook Antiqua0�T�T��-�ܖ� 0ܖ�� �A���.�  @�n��?" d�d2�  Comic Sans MSArial Book Antiqua1_Default DesignDitching DietingWhy Do People Diet?Why don�t diets work?Why don�t diets work?If not diets � then what?If not diets � then what?Where Do I Go From Here?  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles��"_���?t �cReba SloanReba Sloan-����-'�����-�- $ % ?�?�%--�'������@Arial-. 33�2 6.Ditching Dieting.��"System:�-�����@Arial-. 33�-2 K Reba Sloan, MPH, LRD,FAED.-�����@Arial-. 33�$2 V3Nutrition Therapist..-����--$^i�i�^^--'������@Arial-.  2 c�W.-�����@Arial-. g2 c@Dieting that causes excessive loss of weight is beset with diffi.-�����@Arial-. 2 c�culties.-�����@Arial-.  2 c��W.-�����@Arial-. %2 gDHippocrates 400 B.C..-�����՜.��+,��0�������� � ��   $�On-screen ShowReba Sloan, MPH, LRDct2�  Comic Sans MSArial Book Antiqua1_Default DesignDitching DietingWhy Do People Diet?Why don�t diets work?Why don�t diets work?If not diets � then what?If not diets � then what?Where Do I Go From Here?  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles�"_���SummaryInformation(���������PowerPoint Document(����ctDocumentSummaryInformation8������������$�������������������������������������@���������  @@``�� T�L��l/      ����� �0���A���A��3�@�3���� ����oPʚ;6_v8ʚ;�g��4HdHd�:��� 0�������p�pp�@ <�4dddd ��w 0T��-�<�4!d!d ��w 0T��-�� �g��4;d;dW��� 04�������p�@ p�p�8�0�___PPT10� ��?� � %O� � =�l���Ditching Dieting���-Reba Sloan, MPH, LRD,FAED Nutrition Therapist�..���Why Do People Diet?�3����To chase an artificial standard Because everyone else is dieting False promises are tempting They believe weight loss is a cure for poor self/body esteem In pursuit of the  perfect diet To distract themselves from other issues It is an effort to improve themselves� Z � ��*Why don t diets work?�3����$The body compensates for dietary restriction Restriction of certain foods can promote an obsession with eating those foods The mind perceives caloric restriction as a famine Each body has a weight or size that it fights to maintain & the set point theory of weight management�Z���*Why don t diets work?����Diets are finish line driven They set up people with the  guilt response Diets are not real life Our relationship with food is complicated We have taste buds! They are based on faulty logic and science Diets can be dangerous ��Z����2If not diets & then what?���Learn about your own relationship to food Work on connecting with your hunger/satisfied signals Go for balance, moderation and variety Get moving Don t use the bull dozer approach & try the hammer and chisel! NO GUILT & eating is not a moral or legal issue! �$ZZ� ��2If not diets & then what?���Be reasonable with your goals Accept weight/size standards that are appropriate, reasonable and real for YOU Focus on health and fitness & not thinness Confront the issues that may be increasing your desire to diet and weight obsess Know nutrition truth from fiction �@ j����Where Do I Go From Here?�3����pTake an inventory of thought distortions that might be barriers to non-diet approach Love and appreciate the body you have Determine your nutritional strengths and weaknesses Find an activity that you can commit to on a nearly daily basis Establish 2 or 3 challenging & yet achievable goals (not weight related!)�9Z9/�p�� � ���E�� 0��L0 D�< ����( � �� � � �0��%Z���� @S"������������ ��������>����� Z � ��x � c �$�x*Z��@�� ` � �� Z � ��j� � � �<�/Z���������"��`�7 V� ����� Dieting that causes excessive loss of weight is beset with difficulties Hippocrates 400 B.C.�__�H � � �0�������޽h�� ?� ���������33����������___PPT10�i�.W��z� +D�='� �����=� @B� +r`X�o��