Functional foods fortified by plant sterols and stanols can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol.

This comprehensive guide will explain the benefits that functional foods fortified by plant sterols and stanols can have on reducing LDL. This is a question I am asked often as a nutritionist and dietician. I'll share with you my insights and knowledge about the topic. Expect to find out about how this concept can help you, as well as some tips and examples.

Functional Foods fortified with Plant Sterols and Stanols

Functional foods fortified by plant sterols and stanols are important, as numerous studies show that these compounds help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (low-density cholesterol), also known as "bad" cholesterol. Heart disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide.

Journal of Nutrition published a study that found that 2 grams of stanols or sterols per day can reduce LDL cholesterol about 10% . The risk of heart disease can be significantly reduced by this reduction. It's also important to remember that, while these foods may offer some benefits, they do not replace a healthy diet or regular exercise.

Start Here

It's important to introduce functional foods with plant sterols and stanols gradually. These compounds can be added to margarine, spreads or dressings. Some orange juices are also fortified. Check the label of packaged food to see if it contains stanols or sterols. Aim to consume 2 grams per person each day. These foods are also good for you if they're part of a low-fat diet.

Some examples of functional foods fortified with plant sterols and Stanols

Other Tips

Functional foods that are fortified by plant sterols and stanols may help reduce LDL cholesterol but they must be a part of an overall lifestyle plan. Maintaining a healthy body weight, regular exercise and a diet high in fibre and low in saturated fat are important factors in managing cholesterol.

Also, it is important to stop smoking and drink alcohol in moderation. It's also important to keep in mind that each person is different, and what may work for someone else might not be the best for you. It's best to speak to a health care provider or nutritionist before you make any significant lifestyle or diet changes.


Functional foods that are fortified by plant sterols and stanols have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol. These foods are a great way to help manage your cholesterol along with other lifestyle and dietary changes. They aren't a miracle cure, but they can be part of an overall approach to heart disease that involves regular exercise, healthy eating, and other good habits. Consult a health professional before you make any major changes to your eating habits.
