Can functional foods help to recover from neuro-injuries?

This article will explore the benefits of functional food for neurological injury recovery. Dietitian/nutritionist, I am often asked what role diet plays in recovery and health. Recent attention has focused on the role that certain foods may play in helping to recover from neuro-injuries. The research will be discussed, as well as how you can incorporate the foods in your diet and other suggestions to support neurological health.

What is the Importance Of Functional Foods In Neurological Recovery?

It is impossible to overstate the importance of functional food in neurological recovery. The impact of neurological injuries on an individual can be severe, affecting their physical ability and cognitive functions. Like any organ, the brain requires certain nutrients for healing and regeneration. These essential nutrients are abundant in certain foods that can help in recovery.

According to research, omega-3 fatty acid, antioxidants and B vitamins have a positive impact on brain health. A study in the journal 'Brain Research,' for example, found that Omega-3 fatty acid can help promote recovery from a head injury and neural plasticity. Antioxidants have also been proven to help protect the brain against oxidative stresses, which are a major cause of injury and degeneration. The right diet is important in the recovery of neurological injuries.

Include Functional Foods in Your Diet: Get Started!

The next step after learning about the benefits of functional food for neurorecovery is to include them in your daily diet. It's important to keep in mind that, while functional foods may support neurological recovery, these should not be used as a standalone treatment. They must instead form part of an overall recovery plan, supervised by medical professionals.

Variety is important when adding these foods into your diet. A balanced diet will ensure you get a variety of nutrients for your brain. Always choose whole foods, which are higher in nutrition than their processed counterparts.

Example of Neurologically Beneficial Foods

Neurological Support: Additional Tips

Other lifestyle factors, such as sleep and exercise can contribute to neurologic health. A healthy diet can be complemented by regular physical activity, sufficient sleep and stress-management techniques like meditation or yoga. Avoiding harmful habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol intake can also support brain health.


Yes, functional foods can help in recovery after neurological injury. When incorporated in a healthy diet, these foods rich in antioxidants, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acid can help support the brain and promote recovery. They should, however, be part of an overall recovery plan that is supervised by medical professionals. Maintaining a healthy life style is also important for brain health.
