What is the role of turmeric as a nutraceutical for managing inflammation?

In my role as a nutritionist and dietician, I am often asked for natural solutions to health problems. How certain foods reduce inflammation is one of the commonest questions. We will examine one of these foods - Turmeric. This spice, which is known for its distinctive flavor and vibrant yellow colour, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. This article will examine the science of how turmeric works as a nutraceutical to manage inflammation.

Turmeric is important in the management of inflammation

It is normal for the body to respond to an injury or infection with inflammation. However, chronic inflammation may lead to a variety of health issues, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Management of inflammation is therefore crucial to overall health.

Turmeric and its active component curcumin have been shown to possess potent anti-inflammatory qualities. A study in Foods found that curcumin could inhibit pro-inflammatory molecules, thereby reducing inflammation. Curcumin is not readily absorbed in the body when taken alone. It is often advised to combine curcumin with black pepper. Black pepper contains piperine, which can boost the bioavailability of curcumin by as much as 2000% .

Turmeric: How to Get Started

There are many ways you can incorporate turmeric in your diet. Add it directly to meals. This herb goes well with many dishes from rice to vegetables and soups. It can be used in teas or smoothies. Moderation is the key. Turmeric in excess can have side effects such as stomach upset.

Choose organic, high-quality turmeric to get the maximum benefit. Remember to consult a doctor before beginning any new diet, particularly if you are taking medication or suffer from underlying conditions.

Turmeric Anti-Inflammatory Examples

Turmeric: Additional Useful Tips

You can use turmeric topically to treat skin conditions such as acne or psoriasis. Honey and turmeric can be combined to make an effective natural face mask.

Consider combining turmeric and other anti-inflammatory food like ginger or omega-3 rich salmon to reduce inflammation even more.


Turmeric, thanks to the active component curcumin it contains, is an effective nutraceutical for managing inflammation. Addition of this spice can improve your health, and help prevent chronic illnesses linked to inflammation. Consult a health professional prior to making any significant changes in your diet.
